Friday, May 11, 2007

Tony Blair

The Prime Minister of Great Britain announced yesterday that he will step down shortly and hand power over to Gordon Brown, the current Chancellor of the Exchequer which is similar to our nation's Secretary of the Treasury. Some people say it was way overdue. I tend to agree but powerful people do not like to leave office, ever! However, Tony Blair can only blame himself for his downfall. In fact, politicians of any strip are responsible for their own downfalls. In the case of Prime Minister Blair it was his unconditional support for President Bush's war that got him. Unlike President Bush at the start of the invasion of Iraq, the vast majority of Britains did not support the invasion. In the US, the American people supported at first the invasion because the American people are notorious for accepting whatever garbage that comes out of the mouths of its leaders! Some say, well the American people were still shell-shocked from the attacks of 9/11. Yes they were, and like any victim the American people wanted someone tangible to take out their vengence. Since President Bush and Company could not find Bin Laden they went after the dictator of Iraq. The Administration started to shape intelligence to fit their plans and Mr. Blair was an accomplice. And just like in Great Britain as in the United States other areas of government responsibility went neglected. For the US it was Hurricane Katrina and it destruction that brought to light the decaying of America. Since the US and Great Britain began to finance the war effort with debt, things like levies, health care, and education went without necessary investment. And just like in the US, Britain began to see government incompetence when dealing with these obligations. This is when, in the US, public opinion began to turn from support for the President and His war, to end it now and bring the troops home! The American people are overwhelmingly for the end of this NOW! The Democrats were elected to stop this war, and they better! So Mr. Blair good luck to you but you also have unnecessary blood on your hands!


Anonymous said...

typos typos typos. come on newby, get your act together! love the new site, but you're going to have to hear from me a lot. i see rick found you too. this will be fun.

a space alien said...

:-p Ooh, this one could definitely be split into at least two to three paragraphs. Would make for a better online read.

And though I essentially agree with you about Blair and Bush, you need push much further in your writing your idea behind this in as detailed and colourful a method as possible, it sounds too pedestrian at this stage. Personalize it! Make it stand out from all the other rants! Deliver the controversy as you promised!

LOL, sorry but that's just me being real. Heh heh, but keep up the the good work.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Blair has had more accomplishments than "the bush." At least he was smart enough to recognize his drop in popularity.

God save the queen!

a space alien said...

I agree. Blair had achieved some good for his country that makes Bush's track record all that more embarrassing.

Bush, up to now in his two terms, has either stalled positive changes and reforms domestically or has stopped them in their tracks. His No Child Left Behind program is full of more holes than Swiss cheese (and much less tasty). OUR money has been mostly funneled into the Iraq war while our infrastructure (national highways and utilities systems like water and electricity) has been largely neglected, thus rendering it quite vulnerable to environmental and terrorist attacks.

And I'm not even gonna get into this whole retarded Christian mentality he has. I'm extremely against any organized religion and Bush's little 'crusade' has done severe damage to this country. For example, I can't believe he and his fellow retarded douchebags value the life of a few celled blastocyst that will die in a day anyway over the life of an eight year old girl suffering from a lifelong spinal cord disease and for whom embryonic stem research could bring possibilities.

Since that moron loves his blastocyst, then why has he not allocated funding to keep them alive and make sure they develop into full grown God-fearing Americans who'll only vote Republican?